Make a recommendation!
I'm looking to add to my ever-growing list of books I want to read this year. If you have any suggestions, send 'em my way.
I think I'm adding Elie Weisel's Night, and I'd like a few other "required reading"/classics on my list.
I think I'm adding Elie Weisel's Night, and I'd like a few other "required reading"/classics on my list.
At 5:25 PM,
All Things Jennifer said…
Night---Do you have this one with you? I wzs carrying it a while ago, but did not read it...
At 6:02 PM,
Erinna said…
No, I don't have it with me. If it's not on my shelf, you have it. :)
At 1:56 PM,
Tosy And Cosh said…
The Known World, by Edward P. Jones. The Known World, by Edward P. Jones. The Known World, by Edward P. Jones. The Known World, by Edward P. Jones. The Known World, by Edward P. Jones. The Known World, by Edward P. Jones. The Known World, by Edward P. Jones.
Really. It's good.
*Really* good.
At 2:22 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi. I randomly discovered your blog one day and have been visting ever since. I recommend "Chokecherry" by Norma Hawkins. I read this recently and it was quick and entertaining. I also recommend anything by Douglas Coupland. And I'm on a real Graham Greene kick right now and really enjoyed his "End of the Affair".
At 9:06 PM,
Stephanie said…
I just got Lolita & A Wrinkle In Time. Never read either. I still have a book for you. If I see J this weekend, I'll give it to her in person.
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